Installing And Using ZFS In Linux Mint / Ubuntu – Part 7

Installing And Using ZFS In Linux Mint / Ubuntu – Part 7
Continuing from part 6, we’ll conclude the series with a recipe for implementing an iSCSI based storage with ZFS in Linux Mint (This tutorial assumes that you don’t have ZFS installed on your system, if you already do, skip to step 4): 1. Issue the following command at the terminal to add ubuntu-zfs repository to the system – sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zfs-native/stable 2. Now, update...

Installing And Using ZFS In Linux Mint / Ubuntu – Part 6

Installing And Using ZFS In Linux Mint / Ubuntu – Part 6
Continuing from part 5, we’ll learn about ZFS snapshots and ZFS clones in this post: In last post, we created a ZFS data set ‘myPool/myData’. Let’s see how we can backup and restore data using ZFS snapshots and ZFS clones. 1. ZFS snapshot is a point-in-time checkpoint of a dataset. ZFS snapshot is read-only and cannot be modified. You can create a ZFS snapshot of a ZFS data...

Installing And Using ZFS In Linux Mint / Ubuntu – Part 5

Installing And Using ZFS In Linux Mint / Ubuntu – Part 5
Continuing from part 4, in today’s post we’ll learn how to create ZFS data set for a user and mount it to a directory for use: 1. Issue the following commands at the terminal to view zpool status and the available capacity – sudo zpool status sudo zfs list 2. Now, we’ll create a ZFS data set called ‘myData’ in ZFS pool ‘myPool’ and enable compression,...