ClearURLs: A Firefox Add-on To Clean Up Links

Often when copying and pasting links, you would find a lot of unnecessary elements at the end of links. These are the long tracking codes embedded within the links to measure your link interactions like from where you have clicked on the link (social media, websites, and so on) and more. ClearURLs is a Firefox add-on that cleans such links so that the link only contains what is necessary to open...

View Archives Of Web Pages In Firefox With This Add-on

The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web and other information on the Internet that began in 1996. It is maintained by the non-profit organization Internet Archive. It allows users to see archived versions of web pages from the past by capturing web pages that have been made available on the Internet and storing them in a digital archive. For Firefox, Web Archives is a useful...

Extract Links From Web Pages With Link Gopher In Firefox

It can be useful to extract all the links/URLs from a webpage and view them as a list in a new tab. This list can then be saved. For Firefox, there is a useful add-on that does just that. It’s Link Gopher. Download and install it from the Firefox add-ons page here. Click on Okay to enable it. It will be available in the add-ons area next to the Firefox address bar. Using Link Gopher is simple....

Plant Some Trees While Searching The Web With Ecosia

Ecosia is a not-for-profit search engine that uses its revenue from searches to plant trees. Whenever you use it to search for something, it will contribute to planting trees. On average, it takes about 45 searches to plant a tree. Ecosia does not store your search data or build a profile. The searches are anonymized, and your browsing sessions are not tracked. This search engine is also available...

Switch Themes Automatically In Firefox With automaticDark

automaticDark is a Firefox add-on that changes the browser theme depending on the time of the day. So, if you’d like to change Firefox automatically to a dark theme after sunset, then this add-on automatically can do that. Download and install it from the add-ons page here. After it is installed, the add-on options page will launch. From here, you get two options on how to change the theme....

Scroll Web Pages Without Scrollbars Using ScrollAnywhere

For customizing scrolling, ScrollAnywhere is a useful add-on. This add-on can change the scrolling settings and lets you scroll web pages without using the scroll bars. This add-on is available for most browsers like Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Brave, Opera, and Safari. This example uses Firefox. Download and install ScrollAnywhere from the Firefox add-ons page. Click on Add to...