Quickly Find Out Contents Of Directories And Subdirectories Using Linux Terminal

List directory contents recursively in Linux
Linux command line / Terminal offers a quick and simple way to do most things. Let’s say that if we want to view contents of a directory and all the sub directories within it quickly all in one go, here is how to do it : 1. Open Terminal and type the path of the directory whose contents (along with the contents of subdirectories and their subdirectories and so on )  after ls command and the...

Mousepad : A Lightweight Text Editor For Fedora Linux

Mousepad text editor for Fedora Linux
Mousepad is a lightweight and minimal text editor available for Fedora Linux. Here is how to install it in Fedora : 1. Open Terminal and type : sudo yum install mousepad.i686 2. Let the installation complete. It will now show up in Applications > Accessories or simply search for it from “Activities”. Happy text editing.

How To Install JDownloader In Fedora

Here is how to install the super useful JDownloader in Fedora 16 : 1. Open Terminal and using wget, download the JDownloader installer shell script : wget http://installer.jdownloader.org/jd_unix_0_9.sh 2. Once downloaded, make it executable before running it : chmod a+x jd_unix_0_9.sh 3. Finally, run it and follow the wizard that is launched for JDownloader installation to complete : ./jd_unix_0_9.sh All...