How To Use Iptux In Linux Mint For Sending Messages And Files Over LAN

Iptux is a LAN messenger and file sharing client for Linux that can be used to send messages and files over the local network.

To install it in Linux Mint , open the Terminal and type in:

sudo apt install iptux

installing iptux in linux mint
After it is installed, it will show up in the Internet menu.

iptux installed in linux mint
Using it is simple. Launch it and on doing that, it will initially show your LAN IP address and your username with which you are logged into the system.

initial pal count in iptux
When it is installed and opened on different PCs that are running Linux Mint over the same LAN, it will automatically detect them along with their LAN IP addresses and logged in users.

auto detecting online pals in iptux
To manually refresh this list, press F5 or choose Tools > Update.

manually searching for online pals in iptux
You can also sort the PCs using Iptux by clicking on Tools > Sort.

sorting pal list in iptux

They can then be listed as per their IP addresses or user nicknames.

sort options in iptux
If some of the logged in users are not able to show up in the Iptux pal list, you can manually add them using their LAN IP addresses. This is by choosing File > Detect and adding those IP addresses.

manually detect online pals in iptux

add a LAN ip manually for iptux
From the available online users, you can also find specific users if there is a long pal list by using File > Find.

searching for pals in iptux
This will show the complete Iptux pal list and list all the details of online hosts with the user nicknames, hostnames, and IP addresses.

Sending messages using Iptux:

To start sending messages, double-click the username. This will open a messenger window. Type in the message and click on Send.

messenger window in iptux


Alternatively, you can also right-click on them and select Send Message.

sending message by right-clicking the pal name in iptux

The name of the sender will blink in blue when a message is sent from there and is yet unread.

unread message color in iptux

These messages will be delivered to the recipient only if they are logged in and online on Iptux. Otherwise, an error message of non-delivery will be displayed.

messages that are not delivered as recipient was offline in iptux

Sending files using Iptux:

To send a file, click on the Files button from the bottom-right panel of the message window. Once selected, click on Send.

sending files using iptux
The recipient will get a prompt to accept the file or refuse it.

accepting files when sent using iptux

When accepted, it will be downloaded to the recipient’s PC. You can also send images. Click on Tools > Insert Picture and add the image to be sent. The Clear Buffer option is to clear the chat history.

attaching pictures in chats using iptux

The recipient will be able to see the image right from within the chat window.

sent pictures using iptux
Other than that, folders too can be sent using Iptux. Click on Files > Attach Folder to choose the folder to be sent.

adding a folder to be sent using iptux
Iptux also supports shared management. So, you can share files and folders. To do that, select Tools > Shared Management.

shared management feature in iptux
Then add the file or folder to be shared. You can also set a password for it.

add folders for shared management in iptux

To access this, the recipient needs to request for Shared Management by right-clicking the source user and choosing Request Shared Resources.

requesting shared resources in iptux

There will be a password prompt to access it if the password was set for it.

password access for shared management in iptux
Iptux settings:

You can change the username details as well as other settings by choosing from Tools > Preferences.

iptux preferences
To change your nickname that is displayed, click on the Personal section, and change from there.

changing personal settings in iptux

A group name can also be added from there as well as changing the default folder where all the received files will be stored. You can also add a photo and signature.

changing the display picture in iptux

For changing the font settings, saving the chat history, and other options go to the System section.

changing system settings for iptux

You can also enable the Enter key from here to directly send messages instead of clicking the Send button every time.

To manually add a list of LAN IP addresses, click on the Network section. You can also export the existing list from here if needed.

importing and exporting list of LAN IPs in iptux
By the way, from Linux Mint 20 onwards, there is already Warpinator that comes installed by default for local file transfers. However, Iptux can be used too as a simple LAN messenger for sending messages and files.

Happy messaging.

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