Benefits Of A Career As Microsoft Office 365 Administrator

A career in the exciting world of IT can be your ticket to the sweet life. The only problem is that, with an almost endless range of IT fields and professions to choose from, it can often be difficult to decide which one is best for you.

In this sense, a career as a Microsoft Office 365 administrator might be exactly what you’ve been looking forward. Microsoft administrators are always in high demand and typically earn quite high salaries on average, so read on to learn everything you need to know to enter this interesting and potentially lucrative career.

What Does a Microsoft Office 365 Administrator Do?

Office 365 is the most used Microsoft product in the world, which means trained, knowledgeable administrators are always in high demand. As a Microsoft administrator, you’ll be charged with handling a range of important tasks—from planning Office 365 deployments and configuring 365 tenants to managing client connectivity and configuring Office 365 users, groups and licenses. In short, it will be your job to control all Office 365 administrator functions and troubleshoot problems to ensure your company’s employees can access the suite’s range of features.

How Much Can I Expect to Make as a Microsoft Administrator?

The fact that Microsoft administrators are in such high demand means that most people have no issues finding employment. Better still, the average starting salary for Office 365 administrators currently stands at around $75,000, which means you should find yourself well remunerated for your work. In addition, you should be able to find numerous options for advancement and increased pay—with the average mid- and senior-level administrators typically earning over $80,000 or $90,000 a year.

Another factor that should be in your favor is the fact that average administrator salaries have steadily grown over the past few years. In fact, most Microsoft administrators saw their annual salary raise by anywhere between $7,000 and $17,000 in the past year alone.

What Type of Training Is Required to Become an Office 365 Administrator?

All of these factors mean that becoming a Microsoft Office 365 administrator might be one of the smartest decisions you can make for your future. This is especially true considering that you can find many Microsoft Office 365 training courses that will teach you all the skills you need to become a professional Microsoft administrator in only a few days.

Of course, it obviously helps if you have some previous IT skills and/or training. Nonetheless, the truth is that with a bit of hard work, dedication and perseverance, virtually everyone has what it takes. In this sense, becoming a Microsoft Office 365 administrator is definitely something you should consider if you’re looking for a rewarding career in a growing field, and one that comes with plenty of opportunities for advancement and personal development.

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