Create And Edit Microsoft Word Documents When Using Google Chrome

Word Online add-on offers Microsoft Word functionality from within Google Chrome. MS Word documents can be created, edited and stored either on OneDrive, as PDF or in Word format using this Chrome extension.

Word Online app for Google Chrome

Download and install it from here. Click Add to install.

Installing Word Online app for Google Chrome

After launching it from the Apps section (either through the shortcut or by typing “chrome://apps/” in the address bar), a new document can be created, different templates can be browsed or existing documents from OneDrive (if signed in) can be accessed.

Word Online app in App section after installation

Creating or editing documents using Word Online

There is no specific “Save” button in the toolbar because documents are auto-saved. Editing them is just like when using MS Word.

Creating Word documents using Word Online

To manually save the created document, go to File > Save As. The options here are : to save locally as a Word document or to convert the document to PDF and then save it.

Saving documents through Word Online

The download location of these saved documents will be the same path that is set for Google Chrome downloads for other files. Also, if already signed in to OneDrive, the same document will be available there as well.

Saved documents as PDF and docx when created through Word Online

Happy editing.

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