October 15, 2024
gPDFText editor installed in Linux Mint

gPDFText is a nice and tiny text editor that can extract text from PDF files into a text document. Also, it can edit the existing PDF files and can save them as text files.

To install it, open Terminal and type :

sudo apt-get install gpdftext

Installing gPDFText ebook editor

Once installed, it will show up in the Accessories section.

gPDFText editor installed in Linux Mint
To use it, simply open the PDF file from gPDFText (File>Open) and only text from the source will be displayed.

Text from opened PDF files/ebooks

Click on File > Save As to convert it to a text file. Also, there are various preferences like setting the default paper size, to remove page numbers (from the source PDF files) and whether to use a dictionary plus much more. All of these can be changed from Edit > Preferences.

Preferences in gPDFText ebook editor

Overall, a tiny and useful PDF to text editor.

By admin

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