ihaveapc.com Android Application Released

We are pleased to announce the availability of ihaveapc.com Android application v1.0.15. The application will allow you to easily browse our website from your Android phones and tablets. Just download the ‘ihaveapc.com_app_v1.0.15.apk’ file from here and transfer it to your Android device. Tap the ‘ihaveapc.com_app_v1.0.15.apk’ file to install it on your device. [Note: The application is free without any ads or spyware]. Here’s how to use the application:

1. Tap the ‘ihaveapc.com’ icon to launch the application.

2. Click ‘Start reading’.

3. You’ll see our website’s feed.

4. Click any article to that interests you.

5. You’ll see the article’s excerpt.

6. Click ‘Read more’ to see the complete article in the web browser.

We hope you like the Android application. Please leave your feedback via comments.

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