October 3, 2024

Here’s how to merge, split or rearrange PDF files in Linux Mint / Ubuntu using PDF Shuffler application:

1. Issue the following command at the terminal-

sudo apt-get install pdfshuffler

2. After the installation is complete, click on ‘Menu>Office>PDF-Shuffler’ to start the application.

3. The PDF-Shuffler application will start. It is a simple application to use and works as intended.

To merge pdf, use the ‘Import pdf’ button to import the PDF files one by one and click ‘Export pdf’ button to merge them into a single new PDF file.

To split a PDF file, use the ‘Import pdf’ button to open a PDF file, then delete the pages you don’t want and click ‘Export pdf’ button to create a new PDF file.

To rearrange a PDF file, use the ‘Import pdf’ button to open a PDF file, then drag-n-drop pages you need to rearrange, and then click ‘Export pdf’ button to create a new PDF file.

By admin

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